A mom must do what she must do … mission feed the family.

As parents you win some and then other days it feels like you were hit by a bus, caught in a hailstorm and got swept out to sea on a floating lifeboat needing to fight for survival .

The second option is how I felt shopping today …

We like idiots decided to shop at the exact time bear should have had lunch and slept .

This meant he was crabby and not at all in the mood to shop…by the time we were halfway through our monthly grocery haul I was considering abandoning mission feed the family and taking up online shopping.

By now bear had managed to throw in a set of pj masks , a Barney, snacks for a lifetime, a gardening set and some chocolate.

I’d opened a packet of biscuits for him ( and me) to nibble on and papa left me alone with a hyper niggly bear, a trolley full of shopping and Barney to get us some coffee.

Bear just wouldn’t sit still and we were fourth in the queue…

Now most toddler mothers understand I would have done handstands by now just to get bear to sit still for those last few minutes as the screaming toddlers and harassed parents ahead of us were served.

Instead I grabbed a shopping basket, told bear it was a car, plopped him and Barney in and pushed him up and down with my foot !

Mission feed the family was accomplished, my sanity on the other hand is still recovering with a box of hero chocolates.

Supermom rules as does creativity when it comes to month end shopping with toddlers!

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